
How I built my first typescript-next-chakra website ?

#typescript, #next, #chakra-ui, #mdx, #firstpost

23 January, 2022

At the beginning


Where does this idea come from, why do we have to do it? I asked myself a lot of questions and watched a lot of videos in order to realize my projects and it's thanks to them that I was able to learn how to start with Next and how to use Chakra, a beautiful library straight out of the future.



First of all I went on Youtube and I found @devaslife who made his portfolio with Chakra-UI in Javascript, so I tried to understand and reproduce it to produce a satisfactory result. So I created a website in javascript (you can find it here: Flonoa Homepage). I come from JAVA, I'm used to typed variables, so I was looking for my way in this big world that is web development. Then I searched and found a typescript template and went for it frontend-horse-ui. I directly fell in love with Chakra, its hooks, its content, the way it works, especially its discord community with which I work and help daily when I can.

Here an example how to render 404 page in Chakra:

1import NextLink from 'next/link'; // NextLink import
2import { Box, Button, Divider, Heading, Text } from '@chakra-ui/react'; // Chakra component imports
4const NotFoundPage = () => {
5 return (
6 <Layout title='Not Found'>
7 <Section delay={0.3}>
8 <Heading as='h1'>Not Found</Heading>
9 <Text>The page you&apos;re looking for was not found.</Text>
10 <Divider my={6} />
12 <Box my={6} align='center'>
13 <NextLink href='/'>
14 <Button colorScheme='pink'>Return to home</Button>
15 </NextLink>
16 </Box>
17 </Section>
18 </Layout>
19 );
22export default NotFoundPage;

It's beautiful because you've the control on your components. <Heading> component will refer to <h1> in HTML and you can customize it as you wish. That's not all, Chakra-UI uses framer-motion for these animated components (Fade, ScaleFade, Slide, SlideFade, Collapse). So I also fell in love with motion which is simply amazing especially mixed with Chakra, let's see an example of a ThemeButton with IconButton chakra-component with motion():

1import {
2 IconButton,
3 IconButtonProps,
4 useColorMode,
5 useColorModeValue as mode,
6} from '@chakra-ui/react';Ø
7import { BsMoon } from 'react-iconsbs';
8import { WiDaySunny } from 'react-icons/wi';
9import { AnimatePresence, motion, Variants } from 'framer-motion';
11//declaration of animation variants
12const variants: Variants = {
13 initial: {
14 y: -20,
15 opacity: 0,
16 transition: {
17 type: 'spring',
18 duration: 0.2,
19 },
20 },
21 animate: {
22 y: 0,
23 opacity: 1,
24 transition: {
25 type: 'spring',
26 duration: 0.2,
27 },
28 },
29 exit: {
30 y: 20,
31 opacity: 0,
32 transition: {
33 type: 'spring',
34 duration: 0.2,
35 },
36 },
39// button component
40const ThemeButton = () => {
41 const { toggleColorMode } = useColorMode(); // hook for change colormode
42 const MotionButton = motion<IconButtonProps>(IconButton); // declaration for the IconButton component with props of a motion
44 return (
45 <AnimatePresence exitBeforeEnter initial={false}>
46 <MotionButton
47 variants={variants}
48 initial='initial'
49 animate='animate'
50 exit='exit'
51 aria-label='Toggle theme'
52 colorScheme={mode('purple', 'orange')}
53 icon={mode(<BsMoon />, <WiDaySunny />)}
54 onClick={toggleColorMode}
55 />
56 </AnimatePresence>
57 );
60export default ThemeButton;

So you can see the MotionButton have the props of IconButton but also the props of a motion component.
It's beautiful ! Isn't ?



I was very patient, demanding, and on the lookout for everything related to Chakra-UI. I've read all the docs, check the source code and I would like to become a Collaborator to Chakra-UI. Never give up on your dreams, perseverance is the key to success. Never forget that.